Tokens for Replicate Entries

The Replicate Entries activity produces the following tokens.

Name Description Sample Syntax*
Destination Folder_Name The name of the folder the replicated entries were placed in. %(ReplicateEntries_Destination Folder_Name)
Destination Folder_Id The Laserfiche ID number of the folder the replicated entries were placed in. %(ReplicateEntries_Destination Folder_Id)
Destination Folder_Path The folder path of the folder the replicated entries were placed in. %(ReplicateEntries_Destination Folder_Path)
Destination Folder_FullPath The folder path of the folder the replicated entries were placed in, including the folder's name. %(ReplicateEntries_Destination Folder_FullPath)
Destination Folder_Repository The repository that contains the folder the replicated entries were placed in. %(ReplicateEntries_Destination Folder_Repository)
Destination Folder_Server The Laserfiche Server that contains the folder the replicated entries were placed in. %(ReplicateEntries_Destination Folder_Server)
Destination Folder_Guid The GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) of the folder the replicated entries were placed in. %(ReplicateEntries_Destination Folder_Guid)
Created Parent Folder Whether the Replicate Entries activity created the folder the replicated entries were moved into. This token can have one of two possible values: True or False. %(ReplicateEntries_Created Parent Folder)
Is Empty File Whether there are files for the activity to copy. This token will have one of two possible values: True or False. It will only be available at runtime, and the Replicate Entries activity will use this token to determine if there are files to import to the new location. %(ReplicateEntries_Is Empty File)

*The "ReplicateEntries" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Transfer to *Repo_2*, the syntax for the Destination Folder_Id token will be %(TransfertoRepo_2_Destination Folder_Id).